Friday 13 April 2012

Watering Hole to Wine Bar. Options for Everybody

I was thinking the other day just how people's preferred drinking 'establishments' have changed over the years.  I mean that in a good way.  It was only a couple of years ago a mate and I went into a 'pub' in the Hobart area that reminded me of places my dad used to take me as a kid.  The beer on tap was served, for me anyway, at the ideal temperature, the wine selection was very basic but fitted the needs of those that frequented it and the 'pub grub' menu looked great.  But what got me was that it was, and probably still is, a 'public house' in the true sense of the word.  No pokies, no Sky TV, no horse racing, no Keno.  Simply, but perfectly, a place for people to meet, talk, joke and laugh without the aforementioned distractions.
The contempary wine bar of today is a necessity as well because of the generational changes we see among the masses.  Generation Y are more comfortable with the settings of these types of places because they are able to identify with the modern decor, the trendy drinks on offer (whether it be boutique beer, the latest wine fad or cocktail list), the tapas or antipasto platters, the more convenient location and the staff are generally around the same age.  I have been to these types of places and find they have a relaxing atmosphere, friendly knowledgable staff and a great selection of wines from all over Australia and the world (sometimes).
I am of the belief it is good to have both of these types of places, and all those in between of course, to give the diverse range of people and generations the option of somewhere they are relaxed and comfortable to imbide in their favourite beverage, whatever that may be.  'Til next time but remember, live simply, laugh often, wine alot.

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