Tuesday 1 November 2011

Wine Is Good For Weight Loss

Here we go again.  Scientists and their "studies".  Results say...  What is going to be next?  Wine is not good for you.  Wine is good for you.  Wines is good for weeds.  Somebody please sort this stuff out.  What we need is a scientist or a school teacher or a pilot or a tribal elder to tell us something else.  For pete's sake, what next?  So many studies.  I reckon it is just a "scientist" coming up with an excuse to check out what wine does to us.  No doubt he has a "couple" of bottles so he can have a glass or two every day during the 20 year study to qualify the study.  What the?????  The only thing that has been proven is that wine, or for that matter alcohol, in moderation is good for us.  If it is of any help, they say that one standard drink for females and two standard drinks a day for blokes is what is deemed to be good for us.  A little bit of advice.  It doesn't count when you save them up for a rainy day.  When they say, "a day", they mean a day.  The only way I can see that it contributes to weight loss is because you have a glass of wine in your hand instead of a cheese and chilli hot dog.  I don't do studies, I don't do research into studies.  I enjoy wine, and beer, and, well...the liberating beverage called alcohol.  'Til next time and remember to live simply, laugh often, wine alot.

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