Saturday 26 April 2014

2012 Fox Gordon 'The Sicilian' Nero D'Avola

I have posted about Fox Gordon wines before and, after opening this wine last night I felt I needed to again.  I was lucky enough to be sent one of these prior to release but have resisted the temptation to drink until last night.  Why?  I have no idea but either way, I'm glad I finally opened it.
The colour was quite dense and not what I expected for the variety but the deep purple tinge was.  On the nose it's like a cherry ripe without the sweetness but added spiciness. The palate was delicious.  Black fruits dominate with a slight plummy mid-palate with a silky smooth savouriness on the finish.  I liked it a lot and at $25.00 a bottle, it is really good value. The good news is, it is now available for purchase via there website or at Bottega Ratollo Australia wide. It went particularly well with home-made pizzas too.
Until next time and remember, live simply, laugh often, wine alot.

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