Sunday 5 February 2012

Gold, Silver or Bronze. Let The Consumer Decide

Reading the local rag today, the results of a wine show were published indicating which wines won a gold, silver or bronze medal.  In case you didn't know, in the wine show world this doesn't mean a wine came first, second or third.  It is based on a point scoring system.  The more points, the better the medal.  Surely there must be some good wines amongst the ones that didn't win a medal...surely. Believe me there are. These wine shows have their place, but the judges are normally experts about wine whether it be the technical side of making the stuff, being able to identify flaws with it or how it is supposed to taste.  They make a decision on how good the wine is in their opinion only.  How often do people go into a bottle shop and see a heap of medals stuck to a bottle and think it must be good so, they buy a bottle?  They totally disregard the bottle sitting beside it because it doesn't have the same amount of bling or no bling at all.  My opinion is that the medals must influence a persons decision about a wine.  I challenge any wine judge or even a wine journalist to tell me I should like a wine because he/she likes a wine.  Do yourself a favour.  If you get the opportunity, go along to wine tastings at your local bottleshop or visit a couple of wineries, taste a few different wines and form your own opinion.  Taste is a personal thing, don't you think?  'Til next time and remember to live simply, laugh often, wine alot.

1 comment:

  1. After all it's just fermented grape juice. It's a consumable.!!
