Tuesday 17 January 2012

Shakespeare. Playwright, Poet or Plonko?

Correct me if I'm wrong but, William Shakespeare was a poet and playwright, right (did you like that?)?  It appears he didn't mind a wine or two either.  He is quoted as saying, "Good wine is a good familiar creature if it be well used".  Well used.  What does that actually mean?  I realise there are scientist out there that say how much wine we should or can drink a day without doing too much damage to our bodies but, everybody is different and every body is different.  I used to drink copious quantities of beer with reckless abandonment and wake up the same day wishing I hadn't done that to myself and vowing never to do it again.  So have a large percentage of the population over the age of 18.  I reckon I am at an age where I know how much I can drink without going to bed and the room spinning.  I don't need a scientist to tell me how much I should or should not be drinking.  Music soothes the savage beast, they say but, alcohol is the social lubricant.  Okay, so there are those that do not know their limitations and those that get drunk deliberately.  But surely it is a personal conscientious decision?  I think everybody knows the consequences of drinking too much without being lectured to by scientists, friends or their mum & dad.  Enjoy it. Surely that is what it is all about.  'Til next time but remember to live simply, laugh often, wine alot.

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