Saturday 21 February 2015

2012 Best's Great Western Chardonnay

With the weather really starting to warm up all over Australia, it is time to pull the cork, or take the screwcap off, a few white wines.  Chardonnay is a variety that is going through a resurgence in popularity.  This can be attributed to them being made in a much more fruit and texture based style instead of the oak driven wines that became fat and flabby.  I think both styles have their place because of Chardonnay being a great wine to have with food ranging from basic fish and chips to more richer, creamy chicken dishes.
This is the Marilyn Monroe of Chardonnays.  Attractive, bold and classy with an underlying shyness and mystique that reveals itself after time in the spotlight.  The more you get to know her characteristics and complexities, you just want to grab some brie or camembert cheese and listen to her talk all afternoon.  This is indeed a ripper Chardonnay with richness and texture on the palate without the 'fatness' from Chardonnays of years gone by.  At just $22, this is going to be a star in the Best's line-up for a few more years yet.