Saturday 29 September 2012

Wine & Food Blogging Sites

Being a recent convert to certain social media sites, I was pleased to come across some very informative wine & food blogs and not all by 'experts'.  The tasting notes for wines, the wine & food matching and the (sometimes) basic attitude to the (sometimes) indulgent pastime makes for interesting reading.  A very good one which provides a great insight into the different types of grape varieties in Australia is  Another that caught my attention for the easy 'readability' of the tasting notes and the "passion without the pretentiousness" approach is Qwineblog.  When it comes to a web/blog that makes it clear what it's aim is, brotherhoodshiraz takes all the guess work out of it.  Yes it's about Shiraz (duh!) but it is also about different Shirazzes (spelling?).  Another one I have to mention is vinofreakism. This blog is extremely diverse in its make up as it is with it's content.  There are many more in the blogging world that will and can suit everyone's needs.  Being a blogger myself, I find them also educational in extending and developing my knowledge of the wine world.  Check these and other blogs out to satisfy your own wine & food curiousity.  You never know.  There may be a hidden blog talent somewhere inside you.  'Til next time and remember to live simply, laugh often, wine alot.

Sunday 23 September 2012

Wine Glasses for Wine Varieties

If I told you, by using the correct wine glass for a particular wine variety, you will get more of everything out of the wine.  Don't believe me?  I can understand that.  A few years ago I was told the same thing and scoffed at the suggestion and, decanting a wine, HA!!!  That would have seemed like a waste of (drinking) time.  Well I'm a convert on both accounts.  Recently my wife and I were lucky enough to be involved in a structured tasting by the General Manager of Riedel Australia.  The way this was conducted was amazingly educational. There was a Riesling, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir & Cabernet Sauvignon glass containing about 30ml of each of those specific varieties.  The idea was to try each different wine in a different glass which we did...of course.  Well, I'm telling you right here, right now, you can tell the difference.  If you are not into your wine as much as someone like me, (with respect) there is no point in this.  If you are (and I assume that is why you are reading this) then do yourself a favour and give it a try.  You will be pleasantly surprised believe me.  Prior to the event, I had trouble convincing my wife of the value of forking out a few extra dollars for good wine glasses.  Not any more. She was literally stunned by the difference.  Not that I have been given carte blanche to spend a fortune on wine glasses.  We came away from the event with a box containing four varietal specific glasses each and we already have a pretty good stock of Riedel glasses so, we are right for a while.  Anyway, give it a try...please!!! 'Til next time and remember to live simply, laugh often, wine alot.