Saturday 31 December 2011

Additives or Alcohol? The Truth About Those "Wine" Headaches

I read a very good article today in the Weekend Australian written by Max Allen regarding wine additives.  In the article he quotes some of his readers stating they ended up with a headache from drinking wine because of the preservatives or additives.  Some were honest and said it was because of how many glasses of wine they had to drink to really appreciate the wine. I have deliberately included the following paragraph from the article to assist you with forming an opinion about wine additives.
"Creina Stockley, health and regulatory information manager for the Australian Wine Research Institute, hears similar concerns all the time. And she points out that while a few people are genuinely allergic to some wine additives (primarily sulphur dioxide), by far the primary cause of adverse reactions is - ahem - the alcohol, present in far higher concentration than any other component in wine. In other words, she says, it is highly unlikely that processing aids or additives are the wicked culprits they're often made out to be."
I can't put the whole article here, obviously, but another very interesting point Creina Stockly goes on to say is, "'ll find more (preservatives) in supermarket sausages or burgers, and much more - 10 times the amount - in dried apricots or sliced apple".
Interesting don't you think?  I would really like to hear what you reckon.  'Till next time and remember to live simply, laugh often, wine alot.

Thursday 29 December 2011

Sparklings!! Get Your Sparklings!! New Years Eve is a Comin'

As is well known amongst the wine, beer or spirit drinking community, the drink to see out the old year or see in the new one is of course, sparkling wine. I'm not one for Champagne normally but, with BWS currently having a 25% sale on sparkling wine (for 6 or more) it is the perfect time for me to purchase something different to squeeze in between the Shiraz, Chardonnay and Cabernet Sauvignon. In all honesty, I reckon there could be a sparkly red cracked at lunch & dinner. Oh and ladies, don't forget to try a Moscato with your breakfast instead of a sparkling white. They are a little bit sweeter with a slight spritz instead of the acidic full on fizz of the other brekky wine. And please, please, please buy Australian. There are some very good Aussie sparklies at half the price of Moet and Billecart-Salmon (French stuff). Happy New Year and remember live simply,laugh often, wine alot.